Today made a reflection on all the things I did in october i am very exited for november. I found it chalenging to explain how a naritive works next time i will explain a naritive better.
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Friday, 29 October 2021
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Come Down Golden pre reading
Today I was learning to hypothissise when you hypothissise you use the data you all ready hanve and you predict whats going to hapen judging by the data you all ready have. I found it chalenging to hypothisise just by data from the back of the book. My digital learning object shows my hypothisis from what I have read from the Book so far. Next time I would add more to my hypothisis.
Here is my hypothisis.
I hypothesise that because he can’t have a dog Louis tries to tame the golden monkey, but his parents find out and tell him to give him back to the zoo then Golden runs up the tree and doesn’t come down so he struggles to teach him.
Friday, 24 September 2021
Speech, why there shoud be no homework.
This week I was creating a speech to share to the class a speech is a piece of whriting that you say to encourage someone to do something, thing diferantly and getting people on your side.
I found it challenging to say the introduction without getting my toung twisted because it is a lot like a toung twister. My digital learning object shows a screencast of me saying my speech. Next time I would add more facts and change the topic because the speech is not a very eargent topic and people if probably not take me seriously.
Friday, 17 September 2021
Te wiki o te reo Maori
This week I was learning the diferant names of 2D shapes in Maori
I found it challenging to find a pentigon because the only pentegon in the class was in a scince book.
My digital learning object shows a set of slides showing 2D shapes and ther names in maori and in english.
Next time I would change the diamond and the triangle because they where all croped from the star.
Thursday, 16 September 2021
Reading. no girls alowed
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
5 facts about the paralympics.
This week I was learning about the paralympics.
I found it challenging to find facts that I understand.
My digital learning object shows 5 facts about the paralympics.
Next time I would change the background.
Thursday, 19 August 2021
auther report: Dav pilkley
This week I was learning to make links betwean our paragraphs when you do this you can use the same word at the start of the paragraphs that we used at the end of the last paragraph this is a word link. you can also use the same idea at the start of a sentince at the end of the sentence before that this in an idea link.
I found it challenging to find a wow fact because there was now many good wow facts about Dav pilkley.
My digital learning object shows a piece of writing about Dav pilkley.
Next time I would add more word links and idea links.
Full Name: David Murray Pilkey Jr.
Date of Birth: 4th march 1966.
Place of Birth:cleveland ohio U.S.A.
Famous for: writing the Dog man, Captain underpants, Super diaper Baby and the adventures of ook and gluk the kung foo cavemen from the future.
When Dav was little he was diagnosed with a.d.h.d (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and dyslexia. so he was very disruptive in class. so disruptive in fact that all of his teachers made him sit out of class but… when he was sitting out in class he would make the very first Dog man and The adventures of captain underpants comic books. When the teacher came to pick dave up to come back in class she/he would say “you can't spend the rest making these silly books' ' fortunately dav wasend a very good listener. his favorite book as a kid was ‘where the wild things are’
His favorite book now is the first bad guys book of the series. Dav lives with his wife Sayuri Pilkey. His writing is inspired by the art style of kids around the world mixed with his way of drawing. He is always making new books for all of the huge fans around the world.
About his books: Dav includes a really cool way of adding action into his books by using two images on two different pages and if you flip them between the two pages it will make an animation in the book they call it “flip-o-rama”. Also at the start of the book it will give you a brief history of the main superhero that the books are about. and at the end of the book Dav shows you how to draw the characters in the story in 30 at most easy steps.
WOW Facts:
The first adventures of captain underpants was actually a copy of the captain underpants that he made as a kid.
Friday, 13 August 2021
Anton cooper report
This week I was learning to make links betwean paragraphs. The way you do this is by using 2 diferant things 1. an idea link which is where you put an idea at the start of one paragraph and one at the start of the next so it links it with the first one. 2. A word link this is where you refer to the last paragraph useing a word from the end of the first one.
I found it challenging to add new paragraphs because I was confused about what the next paragraph needs to be about.
My digatal learning object shows a piece of report writing about Anton Cooper, a New Zealand mountan biker.
Next time I will think about how I can add things in the success criteria
Anton Cooper.
Name: Anton cooper Place of birth: Christchurch NZ
Born: August 11 1994 sport: mountan biking
Life and Career
Anton Cooper was born on August 11 1994 in Christchurch NZ. He went to school at Christchurch Boys High School. His parents are Paul and Laila Cooper and he has sevaral sisters. When he was 16 he came 1st place in the mountan biking World cup in the Czech Republic by over a minute! He also won the UCI junior World title in 2012
When Anton was 11 he got into a mountan biking compatition by putting in a false birth age. He was racing year 7s and 8s and he was year 6. He was expecting to lose but in the end he ended up wining.
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Slides about Japan.
I didnt finish this because I was to buisy changeing the fonts and background
Thursday, 29 July 2021
Olympic facts.
This week I was learning how to skim and scan. When you skim and scan you read something like an article. The you read it again and you skim around and scan for only the good and juicy facts so you don't need to spend 30 minutes and only getting a little bit of the good facts. I found it challenging to get enough stuff about the 4th medal because eavry article prety much says the same thing. My digital learning object shows that I can skim and scan so I don't waste time learning about stuff. Next time I would change the amount of facts in the anchent Olympics slide. I didnt finish this because I forgot lots of important imfomation.
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Financial Literacy
This week I was learning about Financal Literacy and how to make money and what you shoud spend it on. For the last 2 days Callum from the ASB Get Wise program came into our class to teach us how we can get money and what we shoud spend our money on. To make it easy he used this really cool trick called c.a.s.h.
Clear your mind from all the stuff that you want but will be a waste of money - also clear plan and money goal.
Action what are you going to do to make the amount of money you need for that prouduct.
Save the money that you have so you can get the thing that you want faster.
How long? think of how long you need to save for if you save too long it might not be a realistic goal.
and there is also away to make monye caled S.S.S this will make your C.A.S.H easier.
S.S.S stands for
Srtengths, think of what your good at, you shout try to make money by doing something that your good at this will make things much easier.
Solve any problems that might slow your business down.
Start your business!
I found it challenging to think of somthing I want but I dont need.
My digital learning object shows my C.A.S.H and S.S.S chart
This week I was learning to compare and contrast when you compare and contrast you font difrences and similarities.
I found it challenging to find similarities between matariki in maori and sabaru in japan.
My digital learning object shows the similarities and difrinses between matariki in maori, sabaru in japan, pleiades in greek and kiowa.
Next time I would change the similarities between because the similarite was pretty obvious.
This week for writing I was learning to make an invitation to my parents for my Student-Led Conference. A Student-Led Confrence is where my parents come into my classroom and I show them all my work and progress I have done this year.
In my invitation I had to make sure I had written who it's to, what its for, the dates for the Student-Led Confrence, how to book a time and who its from.
I enjoyed making my avatar because I found it challenging to make the avatar look like me.
My digital learning object shows my invitation I have made for my Mum and Dad.
Next time I would change how my avatar looks because it doesnt really look like me.
Here is the inside of the invition and the front which has my Tom Fedro art work on it.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Creating sprites with piskel!
This week I was learning how to make a sprite in piskel.
I found it challenging to animate the walking an animation because nothing I thought of worked.
My digital learning object shows my penut butter guy sprite I made with piskel.
Next time I would change the walking animation, because it looks like the penut butter guy is jumping.
Friday, 28 May 2021
May reflection!
Today I made a reflection for march so i can reflect on all of my learning over may, here it is.
Friday, 21 May 2021
The Museum of Technology
This week I was learning about the past Technologies and how people worked in the past, so we went to the Museum of Technology there' there is tons of stuff from the past like old prison cells, farming equipment and more.
here is a photo collage of stuff we did there.
Friday, 14 May 2021
Sign langusage!
This week I was learning how to analyse and synthesise which means to gather imfomation and then use it to make/ do stuff. Just like I learned how to say my name in sign language then I made a screencast of me saying that. The thing that I really enjoyed was learning about sign language. I found it challenging to find a quiet spot to do my screencasts. My digital learning object shows me saying my name is Baxter in sign language. Next time I would change the speed of which I was talking because I was talking too fast and it is hard to understand..
Here is my first atempt at the screen catsify. It wasn't final because I did the E wrong.
Thursday, 6 May 2021
anzac day
This week I was learning to analyse and synthesise and about the Anzacs who fought in WW1. The thing that really touched my heart was that even some 13 year olds went to help in the war. I found it challenging to make the front of the post card look real. My digital learning object shows a post card that stan woud send. Next time I would changethe front of the diary.
Here is the post card.