5.9 Report writing
honey bees
bees have a stinger to protect themselves when bees sting there organs come out. Witch means the bee dies 30 seconds after stung. And a bee's sting has nowhere near enough poison in a sting to kill a human.
They also have three compound eyes one there forehead the compound eyes see in infrared rays.
bees are 1.5 cm long and 7 mm tall
Bees are rarely found cold regions they are commonly found in medium heat places bees can live in natural and artificial bee hives the natural bee hive It's just a high with cop just made of . Combs made of wax and she's a whole bunch a hexagon made of wax which is weird larvae honey And the royal jelly is stores. Then there's the artificial bee hives witch are made in lairs the first two layers are for honey then there's two other lairs are for bee egg and royal jelly
It can fly pollinate flowers make honey collect pollen and nectar. Bees are very important pollinators they pollinate by standing on the anthers and then the pollen sticks to the bees pollen baskets.
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